Thursday, February 16, 2006

Shit That Pisses ME OFF!!!!

So my buddy Justin Powers suggested that I write about shit that pisses me off. Or to be more specific shit that has pissed me off recently. So here goes....

As many of you know or don't know, I ride a motorcycle. I love my motorcycle! And I love riding. But the thing that I hate is morons who don't know how to drive!!!

I was riding to work today actually I was riding really relaxed, going no more than 70 miles per hour and just enjoying the ride. Now people who ride bikes I feel are more careful when driving and especially when riding. The reason being that when one rides you have to be aware of everything around you especially other drivers. So.... I was riding to work and as I was approaching an on-ramp I noticed this kid in a BMW speeding onto the freeway. I immediately knew that the idiot was going to do something stupid, so I moved further to the left in the lane that I was in. As soon as I did that the kid merged into my lane with me still in it!! He didn't look over to see if it was clear let alone signal!!! So I honk and swerve out of the way but a motorcycle horn is only so loud. Apparently he didn't hear me. And again the m***** f***** comes into my lane!!!!! So after laying on my horn a few times and accelerating past him, I let him know how I felt! The finger was all it took to convey my feelings. Needless to say it really pisses me off when damn kids who drive cars their mommy and daddy bought them, don't pay attention to the road and instead are trying to impress their friends or some chick, or just plain acting like damn idiots.

So if you take anything from this post it's, be careful and considerate of other people on the road. Pay attention to what you're doing! Don't think that it's ok to change CD's, dial your friends, or be sleepy while driving, if you have to do these things please be really careful. I mean it, cuz if you just happen to be the person who almost kills me on the freeway and I somehow find a way to get you out of your car, I will have no quarrels about beating the living shit out of you :-) I'm sure all bikers who are almost killed by idiots on the road feel the same way. So be safe for our sake and yours.

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