Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Why does shit close?

It's just past one in the morning on Wednesday. All of my friends are asleep. At least I think they are, I'm not about to start calling around and check. It's just past one in the morning and I'm bored out of my freakin' mind!!! What the fuck!?!?

Why do people get tired? Why does shit close? Maybe there should be a pill that would allow us to stay awake for a long ass time. Wait, I think there is such a substance, unfortunately possession of it can get you in some trouble if caught with it. But even then, say you can stay awake for a long ass time if not forever, what the fuck are you going to do with all of your time awake???? I mean shit closes. Where do you go @ 1 in the morning on a Wednesday? Even if I was someone who always wanted to go clubbing wouldn't most people be dead tired at this time? I guess the only club that I ever went to that didn't have dead tired people at 3 in the morning was Club Rain in Vegas. It seemed like the later it got there the more people woke up. That place is pretty cool.

So yeah I'm just rambling now. I've been up just over 20 hours now and I guess it's the lack of sleep and too much caffeine in my body that's making me a little delirious. I'm sure the second I hit the sack I'm knocking out. Oh well. If only there was someone to hang out with at 1 in the morning on a Wednesday. If you're out there and have nothing else to do, hit me up G!!! We can kick it. Ya heard? Right.

Good night, er Good Morning, whatever the case may be in your current situation or state of mind.


1 comment:

Jeans Pants said...

I wasn't up. OK I will rephrase that. I was up but trying to sleep. I didnt get to sleep until about 2:30