Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Today was a great day. I returned to school today. I know I've mentioned that I love working on cars, but man I really do love it. That and learning new shit really makes me happy! So today was a good day. I'm excited again about the future and that's always good! I've recently been hanging out with a great group of people so man all I can say is that if you see me smiling that's the reason why! Good times!!!! Talk about "closing a chapter in your life", I think this story will have a great ending. As a matter of fact I know it will!! I plan on starting a new chapter this weekend, we'll see how that goes. This is sort of a random post with no real point to it. I just wanted to express my joy right now. I'll miss my peeps at the big yellow joint, like my friend Justine likes to put it, but believe me I won't forget this time in my life. I love you guys!!!

1 comment:

Jeans Pants said...

We love you too you fart