Thursday, November 09, 2006

Do you believe in Ghosts?

Ghosts, a paranormal phenomenon, spirits in the night. Things that go bump in the dark cold space between here and there. That chill that you get when you think you're alone, but not really. A sudden drop in temperature? Or something from your past that lingers in your own soul.

Does everyone have Ghosts? Literally or figuratively? Is there something that haunts us day in and day out? Do we get over these lingering impressions, or do they haunt us forever? Better question, should we want to be rid of the ghosts that linger? Maybe we shouldn't try to get over ghosts from our past. Maybe instead of forgetting our past and dooming ourselves to repeat it, we should confront these ghosts. Using our past to better our future is always better than burying our past and conjuring the same phantoms that we "buried" before.

Don't be afraid of the dark. Don't be afraid of Ghosts. Don't exorcise those spirits. Instead confront them and let them make you a better person.

My shit is still here, inside my head. It's there to remind me of the things that I should do. It reminds me that I have enough of that shit in my head that I don't need any more.

1 comment:

Jeans Pants said...

This sounds like a late Halloween post =0). Do I believe in ghosts? I believe in ghostbusting, does that count?